Achieve your business goals in 2018

Hello entrepreneur! How has your business journey in 2018 been so far? Many entrepreneurs set goals for their businesses in this year and a good number of them are behind on achieving those goals at this time. Here are a few tips to help you achieve your goals for this year. We hope they willContinueContinue reading “Achieve your business goals in 2018”

Intrapreneur or Entrepreneur

Increased cost of living, absence of decent job opportunities, minimal interest in civil service, a pressure to make more money, etc., has plunged a number of persons into the pool of entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, not everyone survives it past a certain number of months due to a number of factors. Some persons view entrepreneurship from roseContinueContinue reading “Intrapreneur or Entrepreneur”

World Entrepreneurs Day 2017

Hello Entrepreneur! So yesterday August 21st 2017 was World Entrepreneurs Day. Yes, its a day set aside to celebrate entrepreneurs and their businesses. We celebrate and appreciate entrepreneurs all over the world for taking the bold step and creating products, services and jobs too for numerous persons. As you pat yourself on the back forContinueContinue reading “World Entrepreneurs Day 2017”

Understanding What Success Means To You

Hello entrepreneur!  Many entrepreneurs start out hoping to be successful in their businesses. But when asked what success means to them, only a few are able to respond confidently. Success in entrepreneurship doesn’t have a one-size fits all definition because its concept differs from entrepreneur to entrepreneur. For instance, to one entrepreneur, success can meanContinueContinue reading “Understanding What Success Means To You”

Recreating Your Business 

Hello entrepreneur! What was the first thing that came to your mind on spotting this post title? Okay, hold that answer as we explain what we mean. Among other things, you are in business to make money (profit), and if that’s not happening you’re funding a hobby. At some point in your entrepreneurial journey, ifContinueContinue reading “Recreating Your Business “